Bar two

Bar Two.jpg
Bar Two.jpg
sold out

Bar two


‘Bar two’
Watercolour on board

Each painting for sale (unless specified in their description) is custom stretched and ready to hang. Un-stretched canvases can also be arranged with 10% off Sale Price. All paintings sent within Australia have a fixed postage of $40, covering shipping and insurance. Paintings sent overseas have a fixed postage of $50, covering shipping and insurance.

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‘Encouragement Award for a first time entrant’ - Advocate Art Award 2014

Bar two gets it’s title from initially working behind a bar throughout my last year of school, and then proceeded by my parents buying a liquor cabinet for our home. Working at the bar, together with pouring my parents drinks at home from our own bar, the subject and its title was created. I wanted to use the background as a platform for alcohol consumption. Lots of weird and wild designs that contrast with the topsy turvy emotional rollercoaster alcohol takes you on.