Finding Corkwoods

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Finding Corkwoods


Acrylic on canvas
Stretched and ready to hang
300mm x 800mm

After representing the corkwoods flowers, leaves and seeds on a background that explored colour complementing and contrasting, a more realistic approach was due. The clouds from Corroboree Rock was a success and I was excited to do more.
I found this particular Corkwood on the top of a rocky ridge in a suburban area, a 2 minute walk from my house. The flies were a hefty price to pay for the right inspiration! I wanted to give the work a sense of movement with summer rapidly approaching, so the clouds and ants were added in. I don’t think the realism approach impaired the artistic exploration, a good balance of the two.

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Each painting for sale (unless specified in their description) is custom stretched and ready to hang. Un-stretched canvases can also be arranged with 10% off Sale Price. All paintings sent within Australia have a fixed postage of $40, covering shipping and insurance. Paintings sent overseas have a fixed postage of $50, covering shipping and insurance.