Pink Lady and Granny Smith still life

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Pink Lady and Granny Smith still life


Pink Lady and Granny Smith still life
Watercolour and Acrylic on canvas
900mm x 460mm

Each painting for sale (unless specified in their description) is custom stretched and ready to hang. Un-stretched canvases can also be arranged with 10% off Sale Price. All paintings sent within Australia have a fixed postage of $40, covering shipping and insurance. Paintings sent overseas have a fixed postage of $50, covering shipping and insurance.

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Part of my ‘More than one a day!’ exhibition in 2017, I wanted to do a traditional still life in the style of Van Gogh’s ‘Quince Pears’. I liked having an abundance of apples to work from, after each one had been painted, they would be eaten. A simple but effective study exploring contrast, colour and composition.