Ghost Gum leaves #2

Ghost Gum Leaves
Ghost Gum Leaves
sold out

Ghost Gum leaves #2


Acrylic on Canvas
Stretched and ready to hang
300mm x 835mm

Each painting for sale (unless specified in their description) is custom stretched and ready to hang. Un-stretched canvases can also be arranged with 10% off Sale Price. All paintings sent within Australia have a fixed postage of $40, covering shipping and insurance. Paintings sent overseas have a fixed postage of $50, covering shipping and insurance.

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At this time I was currently visiting St Philips School regarding a commission, upon leaving I saw these large gum trees where I knew I wanted to grab some leaves for the next gum leaves painting. The location is marked by the background of the piece, a topographical look at the Todd River next to St Philips School. I wanted to use this topographical style after learning of the Papunya Tula Art movement in Central Australia, where this style was transformed from painting on bodies and in the dirt, to canvas. I wanted to pay a conceptual homage to this movement, using a still live of the leaves as the subject.