The Runner

The Runner.jpg
The Runner.jpg
sold out

The Runner


Acrylic on canvas
Stretched and ready to hang
650mm x 1300mm

Each painting for sale (unless specified in their description) is custom stretched and ready to hang. Un-stretched canvases can also be arranged with 10% off Sale Price. All paintings sent within Australia have a fixed postage of $40, covering shipping and insurance. Paintings sent overseas have a fixed postage of $50, covering shipping and insurance.

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After learning about the chemical attacks in the Middle East in High school, I produced a series of works that stayed with me in the back of my head. A few years later I decided to move from painting with predominantly watercolour to acrylics. This was the first piece done in acrylic. The subjects distorted skin and clothing resemble the effect on the people running away from the attacks. It’s movement and title also makes reference to my pastime.